About C & T Group Investment Management L.L.C.
The prospect of building wealth through successful investing has never held more appeal. But like any market, with increased demand for financial products has come increased supply. Investors are faced with what can be daunting choices.
As Investment Adviser Representatives with LPL Financial, a registered investment adviser, we can help you define your long-term investment objectives and build a personalized investment portfolio designed to manage them. We recognize the importance of getting to know you, your financial needs, your financial goals and your lifestyle.
Our office was established to provide ongoing professional advice to investors while helping them pursue their individual investment objectives. We are able to do this by offering objective financial advice on a fee basis. This method of compensation allows us to adjust your investment portfolio without requiring you to pay commissions.*
If you would like further information about fee-based asset management or other areas of investing, please don't hesitate to contact us.
* Nominal transaction charges may apply.